February 2018

MakerSpace Club is off to an engaging start for students in grades 3, 4, and 5. The “Deconstruction Station,” wherein students take apart old toys and electronics and investigate how they work, has become a favorite activity.

First graders also visited the MakerSpace and made “JunkBots,” creations and creatures fashioned from recycled materials. Students then developed original stories with their JunkBots as characters.

A group of Kindergartners recently came to the media center to investigate shapes. They utilized library materials to design and build their own playgrounds.

Fourth graders are in the midst of examining “genre” or the different kinds of books available in their library.

Fifth grade has become engaged in designing and developing their very own “nurseries,” as inspired by the Ray Bradbury short-story “The Veldt.” Each student has a cardboard tri-fold and all the MakerSpace materials at his or her disposal. Upon the tri-fold’s walls, they can imagine any setting they wish, just like the futuristic room in Bradbury’s tale. Many students are going all out with their decorations, making for elaborate settings and presentations.

As stated before, Crest Hill students are participating this year in the Wyoming Book Awards.

Sponsored by the Wyoming Library Association and the Wyoming State Reading Council, the awards recognize the best new books in Children’s Literature.

Both Award Nominees and Award Winners are chosen by Wyoming students.

Grades K through 3 vote for the Buckaroo Book Award

Grades 4 and 5 vote for the Indian Paintbrush Award.

Crest Hill’s students are voting this very week for their favorite nominees. Next week, they”ll be choosing books for next year’s nomination list.

For more information on the book awards visit the links below:

Buckaroo Book Award 

Indian Paintbrush Book Award


For more information on award sponsors, visit their websites:

Wyoming State Reading Council

Wyoming Library Association


Also, Crest Hill served as the setting for district judging in this year’s Young Authors program. The Crest Hill Library partnered with the Casper Reading Council and Casper College to recruit college students from the education program. Those enrolled in “Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School” got the invaluable chance to examine authentic student work and to gain insights into the intricacies of literacy instruction.

Lastly, Mrs. Bonnie White, Librarian Emeritus, welcomed third grade into the amphitheatre and delivered a dear reading of “Pink and Say” by Patricia Polacco. It was an honor to host her.

It’s been a busy month in the Library. We’re looking to spring ever forward as the year progresses.

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